San Diego Hysterical Society



Local French Underground Honored

by Bobby Martin


At great risk to their personal safety, the King and Queen of France traveled to San Diego to honor the leaders of the local resistance.

The Quees Salutes French Intellegence
- Curly, Moe & Larry greet Ted & Alice -

The war in Europe had been going rather badly, especially for France, having recently surrendered to every other foreign government in sight. Resistance however was still being carried out by brave and  loyal French citizens who had safely formed underground cadres in friendly cities such as San Diego.

San Diego's Loyal French Underground (SDLFU) experienced numerous setbacks as they trained in the art of warfare. The first shipment of rifles they had received all pointed to the left, while the bullets all pointed to the right. They were also forced to drink the local Chardonnay. A more robust French Merlot seemed more appropriate, but it sure beat Stout Beer.


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