Wavecrest is billed as the "worlds biggest gathering of wooden-bodied automobiles". With over 200 cars in attendance each year, it may very well be.
The event takes place at Moonlight Beach in Encinitas, CA and is open to any cars manufactured in the U.S. no later than 1953.
The elevated parking lot overlooks white sand volleyball courts and
the beautiful blue Pacific Ocean waves crashing on the beach.
Wavecrest also
includes some foreign vehicles such as Morris Minor Travelers and Morris or Austin
Countrymen . (MG doesnt count although technically many MG "wooden-bodied
automobiles" were manufactured through 1955. In fact, one of the founders of this
event sold me his MGTF so you would think he would have included them. Ill have to
chat with Lee about that.
This fabulous low-key no-cost event is a must for any car enthusiast. Keep your eyes out for a possible Longboard Contest on the same day. Check it out. Youll be glad you did.