The San Diego MG Club was founded in July of 1958
by a small band of intrepid souls
who ran an advertisement in "The
looking for people who were
interested in
MG Club membership.
The major interest of the organization
to "encourage safer driving,
car maintenance, familiarization
and closer social contact of MG owners".
The San Diego MG Club at the
Coronado Parade July 4, 1959
Today, more than forty years later, the club's purpose is much the same: "the preservation and promotion of all models of the MG marque. All MG owners or enthusiasts are welcome to join." We are eager to share the joys of British motoring and the heartbreak of Lucas Electrics!
The monthly business meetings are held at 7:00
P.M. on the first Tuesday
of every month at the Boll Weevil on the
northwest corner of Clairemont Mesa Blvd. and Ruffin Road (same
building as Sunny's Donuts). Annual dues are $20 and membership
includes a monthly newsletter and numerous club activities.
Club activities include tech sessions, funkhanas, picnics, car shows, brunches, camping, rallying and touring.
more information, you may call
President Paul Brown at (858)
695-0511 or
Membership Chairman Mel Morris at (619) 582-0275.
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