The 1999 Los Angeles British Car Meet
Doug Pulver
The 16th Annual Los Angeles British Car Meet
(LABCM) was held on October 10, 1999, at Woodley Park in
Van Nuys, California. This years event boasted
close to 400 cars and attendance by nearly 2,000 people.
All British cars were welcome regardless of
condition as this was a "celebration" rather
than a "show". Cars arrived that ranged from
"junker" to "daily driver" to
"concours" to "work-in-process". One
"well-used" red MG TC caught my attention
because I overheard several people remark that this was
the perfect car to drive and enjoy.
Visitors were treated to the great
smells of bangers emanating from The Ministry of Food,
the wonderful sounds of both live and recorded music
blasting out of the PA system (including some delightful
Scottish "rock" music), and the inevitable
temptations to buy great British automotive trinkets from one of the
vendors. This years visitors to LABCM also had an
opportunity to purchase cars from Checkered Flag. Did I
mention they had a red and black TF for sale?
I found an incredible gathering of Morris
Minors (numbering perhaps 40). Their large attendance was
due in part to extensive phone solicitation by the
events organizer Rick Feibusch, himself an avid
Morris owner and officiando.
The grass was covered with row after row of
MGs. This years MG attendance was enhanced in part
because the American MGB Register chose this venue to
hold its 1999 National Convention. The MG range included
a flawless 1935 MG PB, an immaculate 1939 MG TB
"Cream and Cracker" (brought from San Antonio, Texas by Skip
Burns), several MG TCs, two immaculate MGAs (a black
coupe and a green roadster) and any number of MGBs. I
always ask my son which car he would most like to take
home. Although he could not decide, my choice would have
to be the white MG TC (or maybe the silver Aston Martin
DB5 ala "Bond, James Bond").
Each year I find some new idea for
my cars as well. For example, I like the clean look of
the bumperless MG TC front. I do not like the large horizontal bar or the
vertical "nerf" bars which are the two standard
TC bumper configurations. In speaking with the owner of
the white MG TC, however, I found out that the beautiful
overrider bumper treatment on his car was actually from a
period Cushman! Very attractive.
This wonderful show is a must every
year. Treat yourself to a viewing of these always
beautiful and often unique L.A. British cars. You will be
glad you did.