San Diego Hysterical Society



Balboa Hospital's Navel Nurse

by Biona Roberts, RN


San Diego's own Margo Thropp (soon to be Mrs. Eddie Park) was honored in dual ceremonies which made her both the first graduate of the San Diego School of Fine Nursing, and the first civilian Nurse at Balboa Navel Hospital.

- North awards Navel Button to Thropp -

Presiding over this very special occasion was Secretary of the Navy Jonas P. North. North had established a Navy aviation facility on Coronado, and prior to this position, with Grace Park, co-founded the North-Park shopping district.

The importance of the navel as the center of health and well being was not lost on Thropp-(Park). She started programs such as Navel Intelligence and Navel Air Reconnaissance. She developed techiques in Navel Bombardment, studied the effects of Navel Surface Forces and Navel Recruitment. She went on to establish San Diego's Navel Training Center in conjunction with the Self-Realization Fellowship of Encinitas.

Thanks to her efforts, most top Navy officials now spend much of their time in navel contemplation.


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